Volume: 11 Issue: 3 - 2024 |
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1. | Cover
Page I
2. | Advisory Board
Pages I - II
3. | Contents
Pages III - IV
4. | Editorial
Page V
5. | Assessment of Psychosocial Risks and Affecting Factors in Active Working Life of Nurses Elçin Babaoğlu, Rukiye Bahar doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.26213 Pages 411 - 423
6. | An Evaluation of the Compatibility of Specialist Nurses' Units and Their Areas of Expertise Nimet Ateş, Arzu Kader Harmancı Seren, Rujnan Tuna doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.94914 Pages 424 - 433
7. | Evaluation of Nurses' Ethical Attitudes in Care Yasemin Özyer Güvener, Ebru Özcan doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.68736 Pages 434 - 441
8. | The Mediating Role of Trust in Manager in The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Job Satisfaction in Nursing Nazlıhan Efe Sayan, Aysun Türe doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.65471 Pages 442 - 452
9. | (In)visibility of Professional Practices on Nursing Observation Chart: A Questionnaire Study of Nurse Views Yıldız Erdat, Süheyla Abaan doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.71601 Pages 453 - 463
10. | Relationship Between Nurse Managers’ Leadership Style and Nurses’ Organizational Commitment Ercan Yazıcı, Gülnur Akkaya doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.45220 Pages 464 - 474
11. | Assessment of Knowledge Levels of Nursing and Midwifery Students on Occupational Fatma Demir, Sibel Yolcu doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.70707 Pages 475 - 485
12. | A Comparison of the Work Environment and Burnout Levels of Nurses Working in Adult and Pediatric Surgery Clinics İsmail Eryaz, Selvinaz Albayrak doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.02439 Pages 486 - 495
13. | Nurses’ Experience of Secondary Traumatic Stress in the COVID-19 Pandemic and The Conditions of Coping with Stress: The Case of a Provincial Center Leyla Yirci, Aygül Kıssal doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.46762 Pages 496 - 508
14. | The Autonomous Behavior Scale Regarding the Professional Roles of Nurses Gizem Açıkgöz, Ülkü Baykal doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.58234 Pages 509 - 520
15. | The Effect of Nurses' Perception of Disaster Preparedness on Individual Disaster Resilience Nilgün Katrancı, Hilal Kuşcu Karatepe doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.02703 Pages 521 - 532
16. | The Relationship Between Ethical Climate Perception, Organizational Trust and Psychological Resilience in Nurses Seda Değirmenci Öz, Cennet Çiriş Yıldız, Ayşe Karadaş doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.73693 Pages 533 - 540
17. | Adaptation of Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS) for Nurses: A Validity and Reliability Study in Turkish Nazan Ulusoy, Hatice Ulusoy, Albert Nienhaus, Patrick Brzoska doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.49379 Pages 541 - 550
18. | Statistical Analysis of Occupational Accidents Occurring in the Health Sector in Türkiye: Retrospective Cohort Study Ali Ağar doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.91129 Pages 551 - 561
19. | The Mediating Role of Total Quality Management Between Uncertainty Perception and Job Satisfaction in Healthcare Workers: The Case of Healthcare Workers Suzan Urgan, Aysel Çetindere Filiz, Ümmühan Kılıç doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.61580 Pages 562 - 570
20. | A Scale Development Study: Intellectual Capital Scale for Health Institutions Tuğba Uluocak Köse, Aytolan Yıldırım doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.82574 Pages 571 - 582
21. | Türkiye’s Health Profile: Health Indicators and Cluster Analysis by Provinces Melek Yağcı Özen doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.68094 Pages 583 - 593
22. | Investigation of the Relationship Between Workload Perception and Care Behaviors in Critical Care Nurses Buse Fatma Mutlu, Deniz Şanlı doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.56873 Pages 594 - 603
23. | Determination of Time Management Skills of Nursing Students Nimet Ateş, Beyza Çakar, İrem Yılmaz, Erol Oral, Yunus Emre Arzık, Muhammed Emin Kahkeci, Emre Uzun doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.67799 Pages 604 - 613
24. | The Importance of Organizational Learning in Nursing Services: A Traditional Review Özlem Kara, Yeter Kitiş doi: 10.54304/SHYD.2024.88942 Pages 614 - 622