Guide for Authors


General Rules for the Publication Process

  • Manuscripts are submitted through the journal's submission system at When submitting the manuscript, authors must send the title page, main text (including abstract Turkish & English, bibliography, tables and figures), appendices, and ethics committee approval as separate files.
  • Except for the title page uploaded to the system, there should be no names, or filenames that reflect the author's identity.
  • Articles submitted to JHNM should not have been published elsewhere or be under consideration for publication.
  • Manuscripts will be pre-screened by the Editorial Board in terms of the relevance of the article's topic, its contribution to health and nursing management theory and practice, and the article's compliance with the journal's writing rules. Manuscripts that do not meet JHNM's objectives and article writing rules will be sent back to the author without further review.
  • Articles deemed suitable by the Editorial Board will be sent to at least two reviewers for review. The revisions suggested by the reviewers, the editorial board, and the statistical editors are sent to the author(s), and the necessary revisions must be made by the author(s). Articles that pass peer review are submitted to Turnitin or iThenticate for plagiarism checking, and those deemed suitable are accepted for publication by editorial decision. Once the final version of the accepted article has been approved by the author(s), the process is completed by moving to the publication stage.
  • The scientific responsibility of the articles lies with the author(s), and the editorial board of JHNM cannot be held responsible for the scientific content.
  • Journal of Health and Nursing Management is an open access publication, and the entire content of the journal is made available free of charge to readers or institutions.
  • The title page should clearly identify all authors directly involved in writing the article and conducting the study. During the manuscript acceptance process, author names cannot be deleted, changed, or added, and the order of author names cannot be changed without the written permission of all authors.

Rules for manuscript preparation

  • Articles should be written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Research articles should not exceed 5,000 words including abstracts, tables, figures/graphs, and references, and publications such as reviews, case reports, etc. should not exceed 3,000 words. The maximum number of tables, graphs, and figures in submitted manuscripts should be five.
  • Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word on A4 paper with a 2.5 cm margin on each side, using font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, and Times New Roman font. The entire text should be justified, with titles and paragraph headings left-aligned. All pages should be numbered.
  • The main headings of the article should be 14 point bold and capitalized.
  • The main headings of the article should be "Abstract (Turkish and English), Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, Acknowledgements, and References". Subheadings under the main headings (second level) should be written in 12-point capital letters, while other headings under the main headings (third level) should be written in 12-point and sentence case.
  • For decimal separator use comma in Turkish and period in English.
  • There should be no space between the percentage symbol (%) and the numbers. The percentage symbol should be placed in front of the number in the Turkish texts and after the number in the English texts.
  • When writing the results, if the sample number is given, it should be written as (70.2%; n:58 or p:58).
  • There should be no spaces before and after the punctuations where ( ), " " and / signs are used.
  • No numbers or letters should be used to categorize titles in the text, and the "·" sign should be used as a bullet.
  • Abbreviations should not be used in the title or abstract. Abbreviations should be used where the words are first used in the text. The number of abbreviations should be kept to a minimum.
  • Passive and present tenses should be used throughout the article. Written expressions such as "in Turkey" instead of "in our country" and "in this research" instead of "in our research" should be preferred. General judgments (such as "it is true that" and "it is certain that...") should be avoided in the introduction, and the rules of academic writing should be followed.
  • Numbers below 10 should be spelled out in the text. Rankings used in the text, such as first, second, and third, should also be spelled out.

Title Page

In the title page, the author(s) should explain the purpose of their article and its relevance to the journal and indicate that they have not submitted the manuscript to any other journal.

If the article was presented at a scientific event, the name of the event, location, year, and type of presentation (oral or poster), or if it is based on a thesis, the university, program, year, etc. should be detailed.

In addition, information such as phone number and personal e-mail address should be provided to facilitate contact with the author.

The title page should be prepared as a separate file from the manuscript. Manuscripts should not include names and personal information in the text of the article.

Click here to download the title page template.

Research Articles

Original research articles report significant, original scientific findings on topics appropriate to the scope of the journal. Research articles should not exceed a total of 5,000 words.

The manuscript should be submitted to the journal by uploading the title page, manuscript (title, abstract, summary, introduction, results, discussion, conclusions and recommendations, references, tables, graphs, and figures), and ethics committee approval as separate files.


Turkish and English abstracts should be on separate pages and should not exceed 200 words. The Turkish Abstract section should include the titles "Amaç, Yöntem, Bulgular, Sonuç", while the English Abstract section should include the titles "Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion". Three to six (3-6) keywords in Turkish and English should be included at the end of the Abstract section. References should not be cited in the abstract section.

The abstract should provide information about the scientific background, purpose, main results, significance, and conclusions. In many electronic databases, the abstract is the most prominent part of the article. Therefore, the author(s) should ensure that the abstract reflects what is in the manuscript and is accurate.


Keywords should appear below the Turkish and English abstracts and should consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of six words. Commas should be used between words, the first word should begin with a capital letter, the first letter of other keywords should be lowercase, and a period should be placed at the end of the last word.

Keywords should be chosen from commonly used words/terms in the relevant literature.


This section should clearly present the scientific ideas on which the article is based. The importance of the topic, its development and previous studies should be stated, the issue raised should be related to health and nursing management, the knowledge gap in the literature and the rationale of the study should be clearly emphasized. In this section it is important to use directly related and current references.


This section should include the information considered in the design of the study and the findings of the study should be presented in the results section. The following headings should be included in the methods section, and explanations should be provided for these headings.

Aim of the study

The aim of the research should be clearly and explicitly stated.

Type of Research

The type of research should be stated.

Research Question/Hypothesis

The research question(s) should be stated in accordance with the aims of the research.

Time and place of research

The characteristics of the place or institution where the research was conducted should be explained. In addition, the period (beginning and end) of the research should be stated.

Population and sample of the research

The population and sample of the research should be defined, how the sample was selected from the population, what method was used, and how the sample size was calculated should be explained. In addition, the inclusion and/or exclusion criteria for selecting participants should be clearly stated. Data collection tool(s): : Each data collection tool used in the study should be introduced separately, and validity and reliability information should be clearly included. The title of each data collection tool should be written in italics at the beginning of the line, and then the introductory information about the tool should be given in an orderly fashion.

Data Collection: There should be an explanation of how the research data was collected and how this process was carried out.

Data Analysis: The statistical methods used to analyze the research data should be detailed so that the reader can evaluate the reported findings. Where appropriate, references to the study design and statistical methods should be provided. Statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols should be defined, and the computer programs used should be noted.

Ethical aspects of the study: Depending on the type of study, information about the "Ethics Committee Approval Document" (date and number of approval, without specifying the name of the institution where it was obtained) should be provided, and the Ethics Committee Approval Document should also be uploaded to the journal system as a separate file.

Information about the "Institutional Approval and Informed Consent" obtained in the study should also be included in this section.

Study limitations: The limitations of the study should definitely be stated and these limitations should be discussed in the Discussion section and relevant suggestions should be provided.


Results should be presented in a complete and systematic manner to answer the research questions, supported by statistical data. In the results section, the tables or figures should be placed before the necessary descriptions of the tables or figures. Narratives for tables and figures should not discuss all of the data. They should highlight data on important points and avoid interpretation of the results. Tables and figures in the results should be numbered according to the spelling rules and placed after the references.

When writing Cronbach's alpha, correlation coefficients (r), and p-values, "0" should be written before the period, p-values should be written with three values, factor loadings, alpha, and R-values should be written with two values (e.g., r = 0.34, p = 0.001). Be sure to use periods instead of commas between numbers in English texts.

Data that are not relevant to the results and interrupt the narrative may be included in the appendix.

For qualitative studies, results and discussion sections may be presented together.

Conclusion and recommendations

This section should highlight the significance of the main findings of the research and draw conclusions in relation to the purpose of the study. Ensure that findings are not repeated.

The contribution of the study results to practice should be explained and recommendations should be developed based on the findings. The contribution of the research findings to health and nursing management practice, the innovation to be brought to the field, and the academic literature related to the research findings should be indicated and implications for future studies should be drawn. Scientific literature should not be cited in the conclusion and recommendations section.


Meta-analysis is a method that combines the results of several independent studies on a particular topic and statistically analyzes the research findings obtained to provide the highest level of evidence about the effectiveness of interventions related to health and nursing management. Meta-analysis studies can be conducted in both experimental and quantitative research. Meta-analysis articles to be submitted to JHNM should be prepared and uploaded to the system with titles similar to research articles.

Systematic Review

Like meta-analysis, systematic review is a type of secondary research study that provides the best evidence for related disciplines and especially for the field of practice. For a review article to be defined as systematic, the procedures for identifying and selecting the studies to be included in the review and for synthesizing the data from the studies should be followed. Systematic reviews to be submitted to JHNM should be prepared and uploaded to the system with titles similar to research articles.

Review articles

Review articles are considered to be articles in which experts who have accumulated knowledge in the field define, evaluate, and discuss the information on the topic, draw conclusions about the future, and provide guidance. Review articles submitted to JHNM should not exceed 3,000 words, consisting of Title Page, Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Recommendations, and References, which will be organized under subheadings determined by the author(s).

In review articles, authors may organize subheadings other than the Introduction and Conclusion sections according to the content of the subject matter. Titles should be presented systematically as specified in the General Rules section, without using a numbering system. The Introduction should clearly state the purpose of the article and the scientific ideas on which it is based. The research question should be related to the scientific literature on health and nursing management in the world and in Turkey. Subheadings in the text should be organized in a detailed and proper manner according to the purpose and scope of the article. References should be relevant and current.

In review articles, titles should be written as follows

Nursing Management Theses

Evaluation of Ph.D. Theses

Distinctions according to their methods

  • Quantitative Methods
  • Qualitative Methods

Differences according to their approach

Evaluation of Master's theses

Distinctions according to their methods

Case Report

Case reports should be on topics within the scope of the journal and should report original cases. These studies should consist of Title page, Abstracts and Keywords (Turkish and English), Introduction, Case Report, Discussion and Conclusion, and References. Case reports should not exceed 3,000 words. The place and importance of the topic in health and nursing management practices should be stated in the introduction section. All necessary details of the case should be discussed in a way that reveals the problem and makes the reader reflect on the issue, and the ethical aspect of the case presentation should be explained. Tables and explanatory information about the case should be included as appropriate. The Discussion section should fully answer the questions posed in the case, and the Conclusions and Recommendations section should draw conclusions from the case, especially those that will contribute to practice.

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are short, concise opinion pieces and can be written in response to articles already published in JHNM or in response to opinions expressed in the journal. These letters should not exceed 500 words and should be handled in accordance with ethical rules. The editor or author(s) of the article should respond to the letter by publishing it in the journal. These letters should not contain preliminary opinions that may require a new article to later prove their validity.


Tables effectively present research data, provide the desired level of detail, and generally shorten the length of the study. Each table should be on a separate page, numbered according to the order in which they appear in the article, and each should have a short title.

Vertical lines should not be used in tables. Horizontal lines may be used for separation.

Although tables are placed after references, it should be indicated where they are placed in the text of the article.

Table titles should appear above the table, and the title should be in sentence case and bold.

For example:

Table 1. Working conditions of nurses (N:200)

Table 3. Comparison of student satisfaction with personal variables (P:149)

Each column in the table should have a subheading. Statistical measures of variation, such as standard deviation or standard error, should be reported in the columns.

Explanations should be given in the footnotes, not in the title.

If data from other published or unpublished sources are used, permission should be obtained and the source should be cited as in the References section, with the page number under the table. References below the table should be in 10 pt font.

For example; Reference: Yıldız, S. (2010). Principles of Management. Akın Publications, Ankara, p.56.

Explanations below the tables in the results section should be left-aligned and refer only to the table. Explanations below the table should be in font size 10. Any non-standard abbreviations should be explained in the footnotes. Abbreviations, symbols, etc. used in the table should include explanations (source cited, scale name abbreviations, etc.). Explanations should be in alphabetical order. Information about a particular row or cell should be indicated by the letters and superscript (e.g., Associate Degreea). Probability Note: This section contains information about p-values and statistical tests, and p-values should be clearly stated in the table (e.g., p=0.062, p=0.004) and preceded by an asterisk (*) to indicate significance. Below the table, "*" and "**" should be used to indicate probability, and an explanation should be given as "*p<0.05, **, or "p<0.01". If the p-value is "0.000...", it should be reported as "p<0.001" both in the table and in the text. In addition, p-values should be reported in the text (discussion, etc.) according to the significance level specified in the probability notes, not as net p-values.

The mean and standard deviation shown in the table should be reported as "1.45 (0.04)", not "±" (1.45±0.04). This spelling rule also applies to in-text reports.


All figures should have titles, be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, and be placed after the references indicating where they are used in the text. Figures should be professionally drawn, photographed, or submitted in photo quality.

Electronic files of figures should be sent in digital formats, such as JPEG or saved GIF, in a way that provides a high-resolution image. Authors should check the image quality of these files prior to submission and ensure that they have a resolution of at least 300 DPI. If photographs of people are used, these individuals should not be recognizable. If they are, written permission should be obtained (see the Ethics section).Permission must be obtained from the author who holds the publication rights if a previously published figure is to be used in the article. In addition, references should be cited below the figure or graph in the manuscript.

Figure/graphic captions should be provided below the figure/graphic and should be in sentence case and bold.


Figure 1. Systems approach to management.

References under figures and graphics should be 10 pt.

Figure 1. Authentic Leadership and Follower Relationships

Reference: Avolio et al, 2004; American Association of Critical Care Nurses, 2005; Gardner et al, 2005. Or

Reference: Yildiz, S. (2010). Principles of Management. Akın Publications, Ankara, p.56.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Non-standard abbreviations can be very confusing to the reader, so standard abbreviations should be used in manuscripts submitted to the journal. Abbreviations should not be used in the title or abstract. Unless there is a standard unit of measurement, abbreviations should be indicated by writing the full form clearly the first time it is used, and the abbreviation should be given in parentheses. Abbreviations should be used in accordance with international standards.


This section should appear at the end of the article, before the references. This section expresses gratitude to those who contributed to the study for reasons such as personal, technical, and material assistance.

- References

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references. JHNM expects authors to use primary sources as much as possible to make it easier for readers to access the relevant sources.

References should be listed in alphabetical order without numbering. They should be single-spaced at the end of the text and double-spaced between references.

American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition citation rules will be used in articles submitted to JHNM. The author(s) are required to cite references in the text and in the references section according to APA style. All references cited in the manuscript must be included in the reference list.

References in the English manuscript should be written as shown in the examples below.


  • All in-text citation should be in the reference and all the sources in the references should be included in the text.
  • References are in the text; It should be shown in alphabetical order in parentheses, after the author's surname is written, with a comma and publication date, closing the parenthesis and putting a dot at the end.

    (Dantzer, 2003).
    (Ertürk, 2019).
  • If more than one work of the same author or institution has been cited in the same date, it should be shown as (Koçel, 2009a, 2009b;) in the text, and the same author, which has been cited for more than one work in different years, should be shown in a way to be listed from the old date to the new date like (Koçel, 2008, 2014).

    For two publications of the same author with the same date; (Seren, 2005a, 2005b)
    For two publications of the same author with different dates; (Yozgat, 2008, 2014)
  • If more than one references is used in the text, the surname of the author shown in parentheses and the semicolon (;) must be placed between the sources after the date. The ranking of the authors should be written alphabetically according to their surnames.

    (Aykut, 2014; Göktepe, 2000; Tatar, 2019; Yavuz, 2010).
  • '&' and 'et al.,' should be used when citing the text in parentheses.

    (Kimberger & Kurz, 2008; Okutan & Kutsal, 2001; Yozgat et al., 2018).
    (Pinquart & Shen, 2012).

    (Huber et al., 2010; Rowland & Rowland, 2010; Seren & Harmancı, 2008).
  • If a direct quote from the source or a quote from a particular page is quoted, the quoted page is also written. Page number writing must be used only when a part of a work (such as a paragraph or chapter in a book) is referred to. If the source covers a single topic (such as a journal article), it is not necessary to indicate the page when referring.

    ... (Köker, 1998, p. 42).
    Indeed, one researcher commented that “technological innovations have saved or extended the lives of many patients” (Lumby, 2001, p. 44).

    Water is a necessary part of every person’s diet and of all the nutrients a body needs to function, it requires more water each day than any other nutrient (Whitney & Rolfes, 2011, p. 52).

    Research can be defined as a systematic method of creating new knowledge or a way to verify existing knowledge ( Simsek & Simsek, 2008, p. 36).

    The APA manual states that the year should be included in all citations that are in brackets. “Do include the year in all parenthetical citations” (APA, 2010, p. 174).
  • If the referance covers a single topic (such as a journal article), it is not necessary to indicate the page when referring to such a study.
  • If reference is made to the source in the form of a sentence in the text; "and" should be written between the two sources at the beginning of the text.

    Whitney and Rolfes (2011) state the body requires many nutrients to function but highlight that water is of greater importance than any other nutrient.


    Water is an essential element of anyone’s diet and Whitney and Rolfes (2011) emphasise it is more important than any other nutrient.
  • Citation with three, four, five authors

    First citation in the text …..(Bradley, Calhoun, Davis & Fitch, 2004; Göktepe, Ercan, Koç & Taşkın, 2011).

    Ailen, Ciambrune and Welch (2000) stated that.....

    Subsequent citations in the text

    ...(Bradley et al., 2004; Göktepe et al., 2011).

    Ailen et al. (2000) find ........
  • Six or more authors should be written with abbreviations after the first author, both in the first use and in repetitive uses.

    (Haines et al., 2013; Seren et al., 2004).
  • The citation from which institutions or groups are authors

    In the first use, the full name of the institution / group and the abbreviation after it should be used, only the abbreviation and date should be used in the next uses. While writing the first abbreviation, it should be written in square brackets.

    First use;
    (Türk Dil Kurumu [TDK], 2018).
    ….. (Ministry of Health [MOH], 2014).
    Repetitive uses;
    (TDK, 2018).
    (MOH, 2014).

    If the first use is made within the sentence; Turkish Language Association (TDK, 2018).
    Ministry of Health (2014), …….
  • Citation of different authors of the same surname

    While showing the source of different authors with the same surname, the initials of the first authors should be written together with the year.
    A. D. Davis (2011) and P. T. Davis (2009), …..


  • All the citations used in the article should be given in a separate section at the end of the text, without alphabetically numbering according to the surnames of the authors.
  • All citations in English and Turkish in the References section should be written with similar spelling rules.
  • Journal names should be written in full, without shortening. If shortened, shortening can be done as used in Pubmed.
  • The first letter of the name is indicated first in the references that alphabetically comes first, even if its publication is older.
  • The two works of the same author are written according to the date order and the old one comes first.
  • In the references of books and reports, the place where it was first published (with the name of the country) and then the name of the bookstore / publisher, 'bookstore, publishing house, publication' etc. attachments should be written without specifying.
  • There should be a space between the abbreviations of the two named authors.

    Naylor, M. D., Aiken, L. H., Kurtzman, E. T., Olds, D. M. & Hirschman, K. B. (2011).
  • Book with one author

    Eren, E. (2000). Stratejik yönetim ve işletme politikası. İstanbul, Türkiye: Beta Basım Dağıtım. (in Turkish)
    Köker, E. (1998). Politikanın iletişimi iletişimin politikası. Ankara, Türkiye: Vadi. (in Turkish)
    Abisel, N. (2006). Sessiz sinema. Ankara, Türkiye: Deki. (in Turkish)
    Huber, D. L. (2010). Leadership and nursing care management. (4th ed.). Missouri, USA: Saunders Elsevier.
    Collier, A. (2008). The world of tourism and travel. Rosedale. New Zealand: Pearson Education.
    Airey, D. (2010). Logo design love: A guide to creating iconic brand identities. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
  • If a writer's multiple works published in the same year

    Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002a). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara, Türkiye: Pegem A Yayıncılık. (in Turkish)
    Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002b). Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3:2, 133-148. (in Turkish)
  • Book with multiple authors

    Abisel, N., Arslan, U.T., Behçetoğulları, P., Karadoğan, A., Öztürk, S.R. & Ulusay, N. (2005). Çok tuhaf çok tanıdık. İstanbul, Türkiye: Metis. (in Turkish)
    Tonta, Y., Bitirim, Y. & Sever, H. (2002). Türkçe arama motorlarında performans değerlendirme. Ankara, Türkiye: Total Bilişim. (in Turkish)
    Kamien, R. & Kamien, A. (2014). Music: An appreciation. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
    Hatch, D.J., Sumner, E. & Hellman, J. (1994). The surgical neonate: Anaesthesia and intensive care. (3rd ed., pp. 1-12). London, England: Edward Arnold.
    Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2008). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Book translated into Turkish

    Rowley, J. (1992). Bilginin düzenlenmesi: Bilgi erişime giriş. (Translation. S. Karakaş,
    H. Ü. Can, A. Yıldızeli, B. Kayıran). Ankara, Türkiye: Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği.
    (Translation publication date: 1996). (in Turkish)
    Zizek, S. (2009). Matrix: Ya da sapkınlığın iki yüzü (Translation. B. Turan). İstanbul, Türkiye: Encore. (Translation publication date: 2018). (in Turkish)
    Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2014). Hemşirelik araştırmasının esasları. Hemşirelik uygulaması için kanıtın değerlendirilmesi. (8. ed.). (Translation Edis. Ö. Aslan, H. Bebiş). Ankara, Türkiye: Pelikan Kitabevi. (Translation publication date: 2016). (in Turkish)
  • Edited book

    Özbek, M. (Ed.). (2005). Kamusal alan. İstanbul, Türkiye: Hil. (in Turkish)
    Karancı, A. N. (Ed.). (1997). Farklılıkla yaşamak aile ve toplumun farklı gereksinimleri olan bireylerle birlikteliği. Ankara, Türkiye: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları. (in Turkish)
  • Chapter in an edited book

    Kejanlıoğlu, B. (2005). Medya çalışmalarında kamusal alan kavramı. İçinde M. Özbek (Eds.), Kamusal alan (pp. 689-713). İstanbul, Türkiye: Hil. (in Turkish)
    Erkmen, T. (2012). Örgüt kültürü: Fonksiyonları, öğeleri, işletme yönetimi ve liderlikteki önemi. İçinde M. Zencirkıran (Eds.), Örgüt sosyolojisi kitabı (pp.236-270). Bursa, Türkiye: Dora. (in Turkish)
    Bassett, C. (2006). Cultural studies and New Media. In G. Hall & C. Birchall (Eds.), New cultural studies: Adventures in theory (pp. 220–237). Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
    Palmer, F. (2007). Treaty principles and Maori Sport: Contemporary issues. In C. Collins & S. Jackson (Eds.), Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand society (2nd ed., pp. 307-334). South Melbourne, Australia: Thomson.
    McKinney, C. & Smith, N. (2005). To Tiriti o Waitangi or The Treaty of Waitangi: What ıs the difference? In D. Wepa (Ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 39-57). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson Education New Zealand.
  • Book with multiple editions

    Strunk, W. Jr. & White, E. B. (2000). The elements of style (4. ed.). New York, USA: Longman.
    Whitney, E. & Rolfes, S. (2011). Understanding nutrition (12th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • The e-version of the book

    Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery, and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi: 10.1036/0071393722
    Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency [DX Reader version]. Retrieved from
  • Book with the same organization as author and publisher

    Türk Standartları Enstitüsü. (1974). Adlandırma ilkeleri. Ankara, Türkiye: Yazar. (in Turkish)
    Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2014). İstatistiklerle Türkiye. Ankara, Türkiye: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası. (in Turkish)
  • The citation where the electronic address is used is stated the URL to which the source is accessible.

    Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) (2014). İstatistiklerle Türkiye. Ankara, Türkiye: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası. (Retrieved from: April 2, 2017). (in Turkish)
    Argüden, Y. (2003). İtibar yönetimi. Ankara, Türkiye: Ar-Ge Danışmanlık Yayınları. (Retrieved from: June 29, 2012). (in Turkish)
    Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages. from: March 8, 2020).
    Cancer Society of New Zealand. (2013a). Ocular melanoma: Information sheet. (Retrieved from: March 4, 2020).
    Cancer Society of New Zealand. (2013b). Reducing your cancer risk. Retrieved from (Retrieved from: January 20, 2019)
    SPCA New Zealand. (2011). Your dog may be dying from the heat [Press release]. ( Retrieved from: January 20, 2019)
  • Single author article from the journal

    Köker, L. (2007). Hukuk reformları sürecinde Türkiye’nin insan hakları sorunu. İnsan Hakları Haberciliği, 3(2), 6-17. (in Turkish)
    Aktay, Y. (1999). Aklın sosyolojik soy kütüğü: Soy akıldan tarihsel ve toplumsal akla doğru. Toplum ve Bilim, 82, 114-140. (in Turkish)
    Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective ınfluences on the attentional dynamics supporting awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 134(2), 258–281. doi: 10.1037/0096- 3445.134.2.258
    Maienza, J. G. (1986). The superintendency: Characteristics of access for men and women. Educational Administration Quarterly, 22(4), 59-79.
  • Multiple author article from the journal

    Binark, F. M. & Çelikcan, P. (1998). Mahremin müzakereye çağrılması. Kültür ve İletişim, 1(2), 197-214. (in Turkish)
    Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A. & Harlow, T. (1993). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Social Psychology, 65(6), 1190-1204. doi: 10.1037//0022-3514.65.6.1190
    Cheung, J. M. Y., Bartlett, D. J., Armour, C. L., Laba, T. L. & Saini, B. (2018). To drug or not to drug: A qualitative study of patients’ decision-making processes for managing insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16(1), 1-26. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2016.1163702
    Arslan, R., Efe, D. & Aydın, E. (2013). Duygusal zekâ ve örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişki: sağlık çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(3), 169-180. (in Turkish)
  • If the number of authors is more than six and seven

    If the number of authors is six and seven, the names of all authors should be written inf full.
    If the number of authors is eight or more, the first six authors should be written and… .. the last author name should be shown as below.
    Mikosch, P., Hadrawa, T., Laubreiter, K., Brandl, J., Pilz, J., Stettner, H., & Grimm, G. (2010). Effectiveness of respiratory-sinus-arrhythmia biofeedback on state-anxiety in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(5), 1101-1110. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05277.x
    Haines, T.P., Hill, A.M., Hill, K.D., Brauer, S.G., Hoffmann, T., Etherton-Beer, C., … Sandler, I.N. (2013). Cost effectiveness of patient education for the prevention of falls in hospital: Economic evaluation from a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 11, 135. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-135
    Lal, H., Cunningham, A. L., Godeaux, O., Chlibek, R., Diez-Domingo, J., Hwang, S.-J., …..Lengua, L. (2015). Efficacy of an adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine in older adults. New England Journal of Medicine, 372, 2087–2096. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1501184
    Vissing, K., Brink, M., Lonbro, S., Sorensen, H., Overgaard, K., Danborg, K., ... Aagaard, P. (2008). Muscle adaptations to plyometric vs. resistance training in untrained young men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22(6), 1799-1810. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318185f673
  • Article from the electronic journal

    Smith, J. A. (2010). Citing advance online publication: A review. Journal of Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a45d7867
    Al, U., Doğan, G. (2012). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü tezlerinin atıf analizi. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 26, 349–369. (in Turkish)
    Fredrickson, B. L. (2000). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and wellbeing. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a.
    Anderson, G., Huseey, P.S. (2001). Comparing health system performance in OECD countries. Health Affairs, 20(3), 219-232.
  • Unpublished theses❲ If downloaded from YOK, the URL address should be stated at the end ❳

    Değirmenci, S. (2012). Hemşirelerde duygusal emek davranışı (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. İstanbul, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
    Sarı, E. (2008). Kültür kimlik ve politika: Mardin’de kültürlerin etkileşimi (Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ankara, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
    Johnson, S. (2013). Style strategies (Master’s thesis). UCOL, Whanganui School of Design, Whanganui, New Zealand.
    Bektaş, M. (2002). Sağlığı geliştirme konusunda verilen eğitimin benlik kavramı, kaygı düzeyi ve olumlu sağlık davranışlarında bulunma durumuna etkisi (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. İzmir, Türkiye.
    YOKTEZ (in Turkish)
    Mann, D. L. (2010). Vision and expertise for interceptive actions in sport (Doctoral dissertation). The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia). Retrieved from
  • Posters and paper presentation

    Göktepe, N. (2010, 24-25 Mayıs). Hemşirelerin verimliliğe ilişkin tutumu. (Kongre Kitabı, pp. 89]. 10. Hastane ve Sağlık Kuruluşları Kongresi, Kıbrıs. (in Turkish)
    Çepni, S., Bacanak A. & Özsevgeç T. (2001, 24-25 Haziran). Fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının fen branşlarına karşı tutumları ile fen branşlarındaki başarılarının ilişkisi. (Kongre Kitabı, pp. 25). X. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Bolu, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
    Akdeniz, H., Irmak, H., & Seçkinli, T. (1996, 7-10 Mayıs). 312 Bruselloz olgusunun klinik ve laboratuvar özellikleri. (Kongre Kitabı, pp.23-25). XXVII. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
    MacColl, F., Ker, I., Huband, A., Veith, G. & Taylor, J. (2009, 12-13 November). Minimising pedestriancyclist conflict on paths. Paper presented at the Seventh New Zealand Cycling Conference, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Retrieved from
  • Electronic newspaper articles

    Çetin, Ö. (2010, 21 Ocak). Televizyon alışkanlıklarımız IPTV ile değişecek. Hürriyet. (in Turkish)
    Tamer, M. (2015, 26 Haziran). E-ticaret hamle yapmak için tüketiciyi bekliyor. Milliyet. (in Turkish)
    Fellner, C. (2019, April 7). Time bomb: Two new cases as NSW faces worst measles outbreak in years. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from:
  • Editor article with unknown author

    Editorial: "What is a disaster" and why does this question matter? (2006). Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 14, 1-2.
  • Newspaper and magazine articles with unknown authors

    The United States and the Americas: One History in Two Halves. (2003, 13 Decenber). Economist, p. 36.
    Strong afterchocks continiue in California. (2003, 26 Decenber). New York Times [National Press.]. p. 23.
    In text: (United States and the Americas, 2003) (Strong aftershock, 2003)
    Little blue penguins homeward bound. (2011, 23 November). Manawatu Standard, p. 5.
    In text: (Little blue penguins, 2011).
  • Newspaper and magazine articles with certain authors

    Bruni, F. (2003, 26 Aralık). Pope pleads for end to terrorism and war. New York Times, p. 21.
    Rogers, C. (2011, November 26). Smartphone could replace wallets. The Dominion Post. Matthews, L. (2011, November 23). Foodbanks urge public to give generously. Manawatu Standard, p. 4.
  • Encyclopedias

    Balkans: History. (1987). In the Encyclopaedia Britannica. (15. ed. Vol. 14, p. 570- 588). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
    Moodle. (2014). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from Wikipedia: In text: (Moodle, 2014).
  • Dictionary

    Gerrymander. (2003). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (11. ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster’s.
    Weller, B. F. (Ed.). (2009). Bailliere’s nurses dictionary: For nurses and health care workers (25th ed.). Edinburgh, Scotland: Elsevier.
  • Online encyclopedia / Dictionary

    Marcoux, A. (2008). Business ethics. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from
    Acquiescence. (2011). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Retrieved January 16, 2020 from
    Simpson, J. (Ed.). (2011). Acquiescence. In Oxford English dictionary. Retrieved February 22, 2020 from
  • Interview

    Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal. (2003, 28 July). Interview with Michael Schuman. Time. Retrieved from: 13 January 2004,,8599,471205,00.html 9
    Ürün, K. (1997, 15 Temmuz). Cümbüş çalıcısı ve şarkıcı Kadir Ürün (dülcü) ile çalgıcı kahvesinde yapılan görüşme, Edirne. (in Turkish)
  • TV Show

    Long, T. (Yazar), ve Moore, S. D. (Director). (2002). Bart and Lisa 3. Class [TV series]. B. Oakley and J. Weinstein (Producer), in the Simpsonlar. Episode:1403 F55079. Fox.
    In text: (Simpsonlar, 2002)
    Beaudry, C. (Series producer). (2014). Northland harbours [Television series episode]. In J. Curran (Executive producer), Our big blue backyard. Dunedin, New Zealand: Natural History of New Zealand.
  • Film

    Huston, J. (Yönetmen/Senaryo Yazarı). (1941). Malta Şahini [Film]. U.S.: Warner. (in Turkish)
    In text: (Malta Şahini, 1941)
    Gardiner, A., Curtis, C., & Michael, E. (Producers), & Waititi, T. (Director). (2010). Boy: Welcome to my interesting world [DVD]. New Zealand: Transmission.
    Ahmed, A. (Producer), & Breitenmoser, K. (Director). (2012). Job seeker Q&A: Planning your search [ClickView DVD]. Bendigo, Australia: VEA.
  • A single episode from a TV series

    Shore, D. (Scriptwriter), Jackson, M. (Senarist) and Bookstaver, S. (Director). (2012). Runaways [Television series episode]. D. Shore (Executive producer), in the House M.D. New York, NY: Fox Broadcasting.
  • Photo

    Adams, Ansel. (1927). Monolith, the face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park [Fotoğraf]. Art Institute, Chicago.
    In text: (Adams, 1927)
  • Music record

    Say, F. (2009). Galata Kulesi. İstanbul senfonisi [CD] içinde. İstanbul: Ak Müzik (in Turkish)
    Midler, B. (2010a). The folks who live on the hill. On Memories of you [CD]. London, England: Warner Music UK.
    In text: The heartfelt “The folks who live on the hill” provides an ideal vehicle for Midler to showcase her talents (Midler, 2010a, track 5).
    Midler, B. (2010b). Memories of you [CD]. London, England: Warner Music UK. In text: (Midler, 2010b).


Article submission:

Authors wishing to submit their articles to JHNM for publication may submit their work by following the steps outlined in the "Submit a Manuscript Online" section of the system after logging into our journal management system at Manuscripts submitted by the author(s) via e-mail or postal mail will not be accepted. Manuscripts must be submitted through the system.

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Final Checklist

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  • Confirmation that the study has not been submitted to another journal
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In the main text of the manuscript

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  • Turkish abstract and summary (not more than 200 words)
  • Turkish and English keywords (3-6 words)
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  • List of references
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  • All uploaded files must have no name/identifying information in their records (personal information must be removed from the settings).

Article withdrawal

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Although the Editor-in-Chief has the final decision on the publication of all articles in the journal, the Editors make these decisions in accordance with the recommendations of the peer reviewers.

The double-blind review process improves the quality of scientific publications by providing a more objective review process in which it is not clear to whom the manuscript belongs. In this system, only the editors know every detail of the process. Authors do not know who the reviewers are, and reviewers do not know whose work they are reviewing. This prevents reviewers from being biased in their evaluation of the manuscript. In addition, since the author(s) do not know the reviewers, the possibility of the author(s) reaching and influencing the reviewers by any means is eliminated. In this context, the double-blind review process ensures unbiased review and promotes equality of opportunity. For this reason, a double-blind peer review process is applied to all articles submitted to JHNM. Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers who are experts in their field. The Editor may refer manuscripts to additional reviewers as needed and will make every effort to ensure that manuscripts are reviewed in a timely manner. The Editor-in-Chief has the final decision in the evaluation process of all articles.


The manuscripts submitted to JHNM are first reviewed by the Editorial Board according to the reviewers' evaluation criteria in terms of suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal, adherence to the writing rules, English and Turkish language proficiency, scientific adequacy, originality, formal requirements (abstract, introduction, method, discussion, and conclusion sections). The manuscripts deemed suitable by the Editorial Board are forwarded to the peer review stage. As a result of the preliminary review, articles that do not comply with the journal's publication rules and policies are returned to the corresponding author.

Peer Review Process

At least two reviewers, who are experts in the field and have recent studies in the subject area related to the content of the manuscript, are identified by the editors and assigned by the system. In order to expedite the review process, it is generally attempted to assign three reviewers, and the process is completed after two reviewers have responded. By completing the evaluation form provided by the system, the reviewers evaluate the study and complete the reporting phase.

Reviewers Reports

The reviewers will evaluate the manuscript for scientific merit, purpose, methods, discussion, results, and contribution to the literature according to the evaluation form. The manuscript may be accepted as is, requested for revisions, or rejected. In the case of requested revisions, the reviewers' suggestions will be sent to the authors, and the author(s) are expected to revise their manuscript as requested.

According to the "Revision" request, the authors must complete the revisions suggested by the reviewers or editors as soon as possible. The results of the revisions received from the authors will be reviewed by the reviewers and the final decision will be submitted to the Editorial Board. The reviewers may accept the study by reviewing the requested revisions, or they may request further revisions if necessary. The peer review process will continue until all requests regarding the article have been approved by the reviewers. In case of disagreement between the appointed reviewers, the final decision will be made by the Editor in accordance with the opinion of the third reviewer.

Statistics review

Articles deemed suitable by the reviewers are sent to the statistics editor, if necessary. Manuscripts approved by the Statistics Editor are accepted and proceed to the next stage.


Accepted manuscripts are included in the issue to be published, taking into account the date of acceptance, the subject area, and the distribution of research types.

In this process, rejected manuscripts are returned to the author without undergoing a plagiarism check. Acceptance of manuscripts is finalized according to the results of the statistical review and plagiarism check reports.

Although the acceptance process for articles in JHNM is expected to be completed within approximately six months, this period may vary and may be extended depending on the revisions requested by the reviewers and editors and the time required by the authors to submit the final version of the manuscripts.

Post-acceptance process

For manuscripts in the final decision stage of acceptance to the Journal of Health and Nursing Management, plagiarism checks, citation checks, and language editing are performed by a professional company.

The Association of Nurse Managers, the publisher of the Journal of Health and Nursing Management, does not charge an article processing fee or a subscription fee. However, financial obligations for language editing of articles in the acceptance process after peer review are the responsibility of the authors.

Language Editing

The manuscripts submitted to JHNM should have a simple and clear language and they should follow the grammar and spelling rules (Turkish and English), and the related scientific literature. The manuscripts should be written in plain language without foreign words. Language editing of accepted articles will be performed by a professional company. Authors are responsible for financial obligations related to language editing.

Ahead of Print

Since JHNM is committed to the dissemination of current and original knowledge, studies that have passed the peer-review process and completed the post-acceptance process are published electronically in ahead of print. Studies published in ahead of print will be published in the volume and issue deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board, indicating the number of pages, and will then be removed from ahead of print. Studies published ahead of print may not be the final version published in the regular issue. Some minor revisions may be made to the final version of the manuscript.

Resources used in the preparation and adoption of policies:
Budapest Open Access Initiative Statement
ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)
Creative Commons
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
Research on Health Databases (Declaration of Taipei)
DOAJ Principles of Transparency and Best Practice In Scholarly Publishing, Version 3
Republic of Türkiye Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines


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