Ethical Policy

The publication processes of the Journal of Health and Nursing Management (JHNM) are based on the principle of the creation and publication of knowledge in an impartial and reputable manner. It is essential that the scientific studies published adhere to scientific ethical principles, as all stakeholders (authors, editors, reviewers, publishers, and readers) who contribute to the publication process aim to serve the proper advancement of science. JHNM expects all stakeholders to adhere to the principles of publication ethics. These ethical principles, described below, are based on the guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Authors submitting manuscripts to JHNM are expected to adhere to the ethical principles outlined below.

  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to follow the scientific and ethical rules of the article. The author(s) must ensure that the data related to the study are accurate, keep regular records of their research, and be able to access these data upon request.
  • The studies submitted by the author(s) are expected to be original. If the author(s) benefit from other studies, these must be fully and accurately cited.
  • The author(s) must ensure that the article has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. If the content submitted by the author is in conflict with content that has already been published or presented, the author(s) must acknowledge and cite this conflict and, if necessary, provide the editor with a copy of any work that has similar content related to their work, obtain permission for reproduction and use of any content from other sources, and cite it as a reference.
  • All authors should participate in the conduct and publication of the study and make a direct academic and scientific contribution to the study. If there are individuals who do not meet the criteria for authorship but who contribute to the study, they should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. For multi-author studies, all individuals listed as authors must meet the criteria above.
  • For multi-author articles, the authors' contributions (e.g., study design, data collection and analysis, manuscript writing) should be listed on the Author Contribution Form and submitted to the Editorial Board.
  • Research ethics practices, such as ethics committee approval and informed consent of participants, should be clearly stated in the Methods section of the article. For human research, "ethics committee approval" is required and it is mandatory to upload the ethics committee approval to the system ( The TR Index Ethical Principles Flowchart ( should be used to obtain the approval of the Ethics Committee.
  • If necessary, the author(s) should obtain permission to use the data (table, figure, image, etc.) (provided this is stated in the Acknowledgments section). They must document that permission has been obtained.
  • All studies involving human or animal subjects must comply with national and international laws and guidelines (e.g., WMA Helsinki Declaration, NIH Policy on the Use of Laboratory Animals, EU Directive on the Use of Animals, and related regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey), and must state that the necessary approvals have been obtained and that their privacy will be respected.
  • In case of any conflict of interest or ethical violation related to the article, the authors must inform the Editor and the Publisher, and this must be noted in the "Conflict of Interest" section placed before the References and must be reported to the editorial board and disclosed in title page.
  • Any financial support, donations, etc. received for the research should be indicated in the Acknowledgments section, which should precede the References section.
  • If the author(s) discover(s) any errors in the manuscript after publication, during the pre-review process, they are obligated to notify the editor or publisher and cooperate in the correction or withdrawal of the manuscript.

Ethical Responsibilities of The Editorial Board

Editors and Associate Editors of JHNM are committed to the following ethical principles and responsibilities.

  • Editors are responsible for each publication published in JHNM, and i they must fulfill their roles and obligations such as meeting the information requests of readers and authors, ensuring the continuous development of the journal, improving the quality of studies published in the journal, ensuring openness and transparency in the publication processes, and conducting all processes in accordance with ethical principles.
  • JHNM evaluates the submitted manuscripts for scientific integrity, originality, timeliness of the subject, and suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal, and rejects them if not suitable.
  • The Editor and the Editorial Board are responsible for the quality of the content and the publication process of the articles and make the necessary corrections in case of errors.
  • Editors should fulfill obligations such as ensuring that review board members evaluate studies impartially and independently, taking into account the qualifications of new review board members, maintaining constant interaction regarding the publication policy and development of the journal, and holding information and training meetings as needed.
  • Editors are required to evaluate manuscripts in a balanced, impartial, and fair manner, regardless of the ethnic, gender, national, religious, and political characteristics of the authors.
  • Editors must define the journal's "blind review and evaluation process" and ensure that all processes are carried out accordingly. They must also provide a detailed "Author's Guide" to inform authors of this process and update it regularly.
  • They must keep all information about articles uploaded to the system confidential until the manuscript is published. They are also required to provide explanatory and informative feedback to authors.
  • In the event of a complaint regarding ethical violations, they must take the necessary action in accordance with the journal's policies and procedures. In addition, in the case of complaints about authors, they must provide an opportunity for defense and apply the necessary sanctions, regardless of who owns the work.
  • Editors are fully empowered to appoint reviewers and do not allow conflicts of interest between authors, editorial board, and reviewers. They are also responsible for making the final decision on the articles to be published in JHNM.
  • Editors are obligated to expand the pool of peer reviewers, to ensure the appointment of peer reviewers appropriate to the subject area of the article, to ensure the confidentiality of peer reviewers' information during the blind review process, to provide the necessary information and support to ensure that the review process is conducted in an impartial, scientific, and objective manner, and to establish practices and policies to improve the performance of peer reviewers.
  • Editors are required to ensure the protection of the personal data of subjects or images in the reviewed studies. They have the right to reject the study if the explicit consent of the subjects/participants included in the study is not documented.
  • Editors are obligated to protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles and to defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of possible violations. In addition, editors are required to take measures, such as plagiarism checks, to ensure that the content of all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
  • Editors take the necessary measures to ensure that the publication process of manuscripts is carried out in an independent and impartial manner, taking into account possible conflicts of interest between the author(s), reviewers, and other editors, and evaluate any identified situations in accordance with ethical principles.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

All manuscripts submitted to JHNM are peer-reviewed following the double-blind review process, which provides an objective and independent evaluation. In this process, the reviewers cannot communicate directly with the authors, and the reviewer's evaluation form and comments are sent to the author(s) through the journal management system. In this process, the reviewers' evaluation forms and comments on the full texts are sent back to the author(s) via the editor. In this context, reviewers who review for JHNM are expected to act in accordance with the following ethical principles.

  • Reviewers are obligated to make an impartial judgment by reviewing articles in a timely manner, regardless of the ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, and political characteristics of the authors.
  • Reviewers should report to the editor if they notice any copyright infringement or plagiarism.
  • Reviewers must keep all information about the submitted manuscript confidential.
  • If reviewers do not feel competent or do not have enough time to respond to the article, they should indicate this by refusing to rate the article in the system.
  • They should provide guidance on how to improve the quality of the article to be published, review the manuscript carefully, and communicate their comments to the author in a constructive and friendly manner.
  • It is not appropriate for reviewers to copy articles for themselves, and they are not allowed to share the manuscript with others without the permission of the editor.
  • In keeping with the principle of confidentiality, reviewers should dispose of or return copies of manuscripts to the editor upon completion of the review process.
  • The editor must destroy copies of rejected or returned manuscripts.
  • Reviewers should be aware of potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative, or other relationships between authors) and should alert the editor if necessary.

Ethical Responsibilities of The Publisher

JHNM, a publication of the Association of Executive Nurses, is published for the purpose of contributing to the academic development of members of the profession in accordance with the purpose of the establishment of this professional organization, without profit, and with consideration for the public interest. The Board of Directors of the Association of Executive Nurses is aware of the following ethical responsibilities with respect to the publication processes of JHNM.

  • The publisher acts within the framework of all ethical principles, as do all stakeholders involved in a scientific study.
  • Ensure that editors are the final decision-makers in the entire publication process, regardless of economic or political gain, by ensuring independent editorial judgment.
  • If individuals encounter an unethical situation (fabrication, distortion, slicing, false authorship, etc.), they are encouraged to contact the publisher or editors without hesitation.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest arise when there is a financial or personal benefit to be gained. Conflicts of interest should be handled carefully because the credibility of articles is directly related to the proper management of conflicts of interest in scientific work throughout the processes of conducting scientific work and during the publication phase.

Financial relationships are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and seriously undermine the credibility of the journal, the author(s), and the scientific endeavor. Authors should avoid agreements with for-profit or not-for-profit sponsors that restrict access to all study data or that interfere with data analysis and interpretation, manuscript preparation, publication, etc.

To avoid conflicts of interest, editors must also avoid involving individuals with whom they have a relationship in the review of studies. Editors who make the final decision on manuscripts must not have personal, professional, or financial relationships with anyone related to the subject on which they are making a decision. The author(s) and reviewer(s) should inform the Editorial Board of any potential conflicts of interest so that an independent process can be conducted to evaluate the manuscript in accordance with ethical principles.

The Editorial Board must work diligently to ensure that the evaluation process can be conducted impartially, taking into account all of these circumstances.

Plagiarism Policy

When faced with allegations or suspicions of plagiarism, inaccurate citation, or falsification of data in studies submitted to the journal, the Editorial Board will act in accordance with the COPE Guidelines.

Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is considered an ethical violation. Copying and publishing studies from other sources without citation is not only unethical. It is also unacceptable because it is a crime. Therefore, according to JHNM's publication policy, it is mandatory to perform a plagiarism check on all studies to be published. In this context, all manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated by Turnitin or iThenticate software after double-blind peer review.

Percentage matches are not the criteria used by the team of experts to check for plagiarism. Instead, criteria such as matching paragraphs, whether the citation and references are correct, the location of the matching points in the manuscript, and the source to which the manuscript matches are evaluated. The plagiarism report is evaluated by the editor, and based on this report, the author may be asked to correct the errors in the manuscript and resubmit it, or the manuscript may be accepted or rejected. The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript in this process rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

All articles that do not comply with these standards will be removed from publication, including articles that contain possible irregularities and nonconformities discovered after publication.

Human and Animal Rights

JHNM is committed to publishing articles that meet the highest ethical and scientific standards. All articles must be free of commercial interests. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their articles are ethical.

In this regard, it should be noted that articles submitted for publication in the journal must comply with ethical principles regarding the participation of human subjects in clinical trials. In addition, letters of approval from local or national ethics committees, which are required depending on the type of experiment, should be submitted with the manuscript. However, a document signed by all authors should be sent to the editor together with a letter stating that written informed consent has been obtained from the participants/patients or their guardians. Authors must avoid publishing patient names, initials, or descriptive information such as registry numbers, photographs, pedigree information, etc., unless necessary for scientific purposes.

Particularly in case reports, descriptive information about the patient should be removed. For example, if masking of the eye area in photographs is not sufficient to conceal identity, or if the data have been altered to conceal personal information, the authors should ensure that these changes do not affect the scientific significance.

For case reports, informed consent should be obtained from the patients and stated in the article. For such studies, the authors must state in the Methods section of the manuscript that they conducted the study in accordance with the required principles and that they obtained informed consent from the ethics committees and from the people who participated in the study.

In the manuscript, if there is a direct or indirect commercial relationship or financial support for the study, the authors must declare in the section preceding the References section that they have no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, pharmaceutical company, etc. If they do, the nature of the relationship (consultant, other arrangement) must be disclosed.


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