About the Journal

The Journal of Health and Nursing Management (JHNM) is a scientific journal of the Association of Nurse Managers in Turkey. The Association of Nurse Managers is a professional organization established under the law on associations. It is a non-profit organization and publishes this journal to make a scientific contribution to the development and solidarity of professionals.

The publication languages are Turkish and English. The Journal of Health and Nursing Management is a peer-reviewed journal and has accepted the Open Access policy. The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December, depending on the independent double-blind review process. The journal has been published regularly since May 2014 and has been indexed in ULAKBİM TR-Index since its inception, Türkiye Citation Index since 2017, EBSCO since 2020, and DOAJ since 2024. Efforts for the inclusion of the journal in international indexes are in progress.

The scientific responsibility of the articles lies with the author(s), and the editorial board of the journal cannot be held responsible for their scientific content. Manuscripts submitted to JHNM for peer review should not be concurrently published or simultaneously submitted for publication in any other journal. Manuscripts are first reviewed by the Editorial Board for compliance with the publication policy. Manuscripts deemed suitable will be sent to at least two reviewers for review. Manuscripts that have completed the review process will be accepted after necessary corrections have been made. Authors do not receive any payment for articles published in the JHNM, nor are they required to pay any fees.

Aim And Scope

The Journal of Health and Nursing Management aims to share research findings, practical experiences, and scientific knowledge on issues related to health and nursing management. The journal accepts research articles, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, case reports, and reviews of theory, philosophy, scientific knowledge, and experience in all areas of health and nursing management. It is of great importance to publish all studies that contribute to the development of health and care management and provide national and international perspectives. The target audience of the journal is professionals, researchers, and academicians related to health and nursing management, as well as all health professionals working in practice, students, professional and academic institutions and organizations.

Publication Language

The journal is published in Turkish or English and is published nationally as an open-access journal based on an independent and unbiased double-blind peer review process. The full-text language (Turkish or English) of the submitted manuscripts should be simple and clear, free of foreign words, and written in plain language according to the rules of grammar and scientific literature.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published three times a year, in April, August and December. The Editorial Board decides on the frequency of publication and the number of articles to be published in each issue, taking into account the conditions.

Open Access Statement

The Journal of Health and Nursing Management is an open access journal. This means that all articles in the journal can be instantly accessed, downloaded, shared without any restrictions, and reused, provided the original work is properly cited. The JHNM adopts the Open Access Declaration published by Budapest Open Access Initiative in February 2002.

The Journal of Health and Nursing Management publishes articles under an open-access model. Authors retain the copyright of their published manuscript. All articles are published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. With this license, articles can be accessed immediately, online, permanently, and free of charge. Articles in the journal can be reused in any medium, provided the source is properly cited.

Article Processing Charges

The Journal of Health and Nursing Management does not charge a submission fee or article processing charges.


The Journal of Health and Nursing Management archived by the National Library of Turkey Electronic Publications Collection System (Milli Kütüphane Elektronik Yayın Derleme Sistemi / EYDeS).


  • DOAJ
  • TR Dizin
  • Türkiye Atıf Dizini


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Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses provided on the website of this journal cannot be used for any purpose other than the purposes set forth in this journal.


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